Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Pit Stop

Sitting here at the Rediet Hotel in Butajira... Why you ask? 
Well, two and a half hours into the drive from Hawasa to Butajira, Hailey hit herself in the head. She had left her passport in Bele. Yes, Bele, five hours away. She called Peace Corps to see if she could use the passport they had on file, but that wasn't possible, so she would have to go back and get it. She called friends trying to find out if anyone was coming to Addis, but that was a no go. She tried to get Danny, the Peace Corps volunteer in Sodo to take a bus down and get it to save her the hour ride down the hill and back. He agreed, but when he called her bus driver, Matthews, she found that there is nobody who wants to go to Sodo so he ws not making the trip today. Yes, she has his phone number. She called Aboosh, her compound brother to ask Father Desto, the Catholic priest in her town, and the ONLY person in town with a car to find out if she could pay him to drive it up to Danny in Sodo. Unfortunately, he isn't traveling up until tomorrow morning.
So, because there was no other option, John and I were dropped off at the Rediet Hotel, which is where we sit now, and Hailey, Yared, and Ashanafi are headed back to Bele to get the passport and will come back and pick us up.

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